Task. Use your dictionary to check the meaning of the words. Mark each of them trees (T) flowers (F). Explain the meaning of the word to the classmates. 1. oak 2. rose 3. tulip 4. birch 5. olive 6. fir 7. willow 8. lily 9. daffodil 10. chestnut 11. carnation 12. chrysanthemum
Ответы на вопрос
Ответил frupi07
easy mate
1. oak - t
2. rose - f
3. tulip - f
4. birch - t
5. olive - t
6. fir - t
7. willow - t
8. lily - f
9. daffodil - f
10. chestnut - t
11. carnastion - f
12. chrysanthemum - f
Ответил abonte
1. oak - дуб (T)
2. rose - роза (F)
3. tulip - тюльпан (F)
4. birch - береза (T)
5. olive - оливковое дерево (T)
6. fir - пихта (T)
7. willow - ива (T)
8. lily - лилия (F)
9. daffodil - нарцисс (F)
10. chestnut - каштан (T)
11. carnation - гвоздика (F)
12. chrysanthemum - хризантема (F)
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