Срочно СОООРCard 3 V • Are teenagers addicted to computer games in your country? • How many genres of video games can you name? Do video/computer games improve our skills and abilities?
Ответы на вопрос
1.In our modern world, adults are increasingly noticing that we-teenagers spend a lot of time sitting at the game console or computer. One side of the parents argue that this is normal ,and the other –on the contrary , in every way trying to "protect" us from computer mania , lecturing that it is harmful. In my opinion , computer games – not such a bad thing. There are games that help to develop our intelligence , care , vigilance. There are also games that help to raise our mood. Also the most important thing in computer games – learning languages : English , Italian, Spanish and so on. There are also useless games that take away a huge amount of time. Yes, and in addition to spoil the nerves and do not teach anything. For example games like : fighting , killing , shooting, racing. I think that adults are right in saying that games take us a huge amount of time and do not teach us anything. To learn languages you need to use books. And to bring your mood in order or just relax, you can go for a walk or read a book. – материал взят с сайта Студворк https://studwork.org/english/831540-1-are-teenagers-addicted-to-computer-games-in-your-country-2-how-many-genres-of-video-games-can-you-name-3-do-videocomputer
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