Ответы на вопрос
1. вопрос
I think it's more important to work with a group of people.
2. вопрос
For many of us, the money aspect of a job is very important. Our basic needs of life are dependent on the money that we earn thus we need the money to cover our day to day living expenses. So money is certainly a very important aspect of the job. And even if people are very well of they will still want adequate pay for the hours they put in and the skills they bring to a job. Nowadays when a person looks for a job he prefers a high income to any other aspects of a job, although, some people say that money is the root of all evil, even so, it is realized that one cannot survive without it. People need money to purchase material items, food to survive and even entertainment. There were days when money had less importance to a person than today, but as time is passing each and everything has become so expensive that one has to give more preference to money than any other aspects.