Receptionist: Good morning, Apex Industries. : This is John Richards again. John Receptionist: John Receptionist John Receptionist John I got cut off when you tried to put me through. I'm 2. about that. : I really need to get through to Ms. Lang this afternoon. Could I leave a message for her to ring me back as soon as possible? Receptionist: Yes, that's John 3, Mr Richards, Could I have your phone number, please? : Yes, I'm calling from my mobile. It's 0044-7721-332558. Right. So, that's 0044-7721-332558 back today. Could I help you with anything else? : Would it be possible to have her mobile number? Could you perhaps look it up for me? 5. I've got it right here. John Receptionist: That's right. : Ok. Thanks once again. Bye for now. Receptionist: You're welcome. Goodbye 4. she calls you It's 49 for Germany, then 156 8877944. : Let me just repeat that. That's 49-156 8877944. SLIVEWORKSH.Вставити слова
Ответы на вопрос
Receptionist: Good morning, Apex Industries. This is John Richards again.
John: Receptionist, I got cut off when you tried to put me through. I'm sorry about that.
Receptionist: I really need to get through to Ms. Lang this afternoon. Could I leave a message for her to ring me back as soon as possible?
John: Yes, that's fine, Mr. Richards. Could I have your phone number, please?
Receptionist: Yes, I'm calling from my mobile. It's 0044-7721-332558.
John: Right. So, that's 0044-7721-332558. Could I help you with anything else?
Receptionist: Would it be possible to have her mobile number? Could you perhaps look it up for me?
John: I've got it right here.
Receptionist: That's right. It's 49 for Germany, then 156 8877944.
John: Let me just repeat that. That's 49-156 8877944.
Receptionist: She'll call you back today. Could I help you with anything else?
John: Ok. Thanks once again. Bye for now.
Receptionist: You're welcome. Goodbye, Mr. Richards.