Прмогите перевести через conditional
Я попытался быть серьезным, но не мог не рассмеяться, когда услышал ее забавную историю.
2. Жаль, что я пропустил раннюю электричку. Если бы я пришел на 3 минуты раньше, я бы не опоздал.
3. Если бы не его просьба, я бы никогда не позвонил ей.
4. Основные процессы конкуренции и сотрудничества проиллюстрированы с помощью данных, полученных в результате большой научно-исследовательской работы.
5. Мы хотим, чтобы вы закончили свой доклад как можно скорее. Работа всей команды зависит от этого. (без придаточного предложения.)
6. Объяснили ли Вам, почему Вам не разрешили принять участие в соревнованиях в прошлом месяце?
7. Интересно, когда Мистер Джонсон встречается с основателем этой нефтяной компании, чтобы обсудить вопрос о ее продаже.
8. Не говори таких вещей, а то над тобой будут смеяться
9. Разрешите мне сказать Вам, что изучение иностранного языка требует постоянной работы над ним.
10. Извини меня, что я перебиваю тебя (без придаточного предложения.), но я должен задать тебе очень важный вопрос, прежде чем ты закончишь свой рассказ.
11. Поскольку время было позднее, они решили возвращаться домой (без придаточного предложения.)
Вам не стоило (не нужно было) заниматься этим самому. Эту работу мог бы сделать секретарь.
12. Если бы я только знал, что он опоздает, то позвонил бы вам. Теперь нам придется ждать 2 часа. Это тот же человек, который звонил час назад. Должно быть, он уже на вокзале.
13. Именно Мэллори почти 75 лет назад первым достиг вершины этой горы и только 30 лет спустя (позже) Хиллари удалось последовать его примеру.
14. Когда приходит ее поезд? –В 3 часа. Я поеду встречать ее, но до этого мне придется заехать к ее брату, чтобы взять ключи от ее квартиры. Я должен быть у него в 12.30.
15. Маловероятно, что этот фильм покажут по телевизору с переводом на русский язык. Предполагается, что он пойдет (будет показан) в оригинальной версии (без придаточного предложения.)
16. Он рассказывал нам об этом несчастном случае так, как будто был свидетелем и видел все своими собственными глазами.
17. Члены делегации предложили, чтобы на конференции были объявлены результаты этого эксперимента.
18. Большинство социологов считают, что необходимо, чтобы ученые несли ответственность за контроль за тем, как используются их открытия.
19. Возможно, они нашли бы удачное решение этой проблемы, если бы у них было больше времени.
20. Если бы он говорил путь помедленнее, я смог бы понимать его. Попроси, пожалуйста, Смита подойти к нему и передать мою просьбу
Ответы на вопрос
Ответил Настя26042006
I tried to be serious, but he could not help laughing when I heard her a funny story.
2. It is a pity that I missed the early train. If I came to 3 minutes earlier, I would not be late.
3. If it does not, please, I would never have called her.
4. Basic processes of competition and cooperation are illustrated using data obtained as a result of a large research project.
5. We want you to have completed its report as soon as possible. The work of the entire team depends on it. (Without subordinate clause.)
6. Did you explain why you were not allowed to take part in competitions in the last month?
7. Interestingly, when Mr. Johnson met with the founder of the oil company to discuss its sale.
8. Do not say such things, and then on you will laugh
9. Let me tell you that learning a foreign language requires constant work on it.
10. I'm sorry, that I interrupt you (without subordinate clause.), But I have to ask you a very important question before you finish your story.
11. As time was later, they decided to return home (without subordinate clause.)
You should not have (did not have) to do it yourself. This work could make the Secretary.
12. If I only knew that he was late, he would have called you. Now we have to wait for 2 hours. This is the same man who had called an hour ago. He must be at the station.
13. It was Mallory's almost 75 years ago, the first reached the summit of the mountain and only 30 years later (later) Hillary was able to follow his example.
14. When it comes to train? -At 3 o'clock. I'm going to meet her, but until then I'll have to call her brother to take the keys to her apartment. I have to be with him in 1230.
15. It is unlikely that this film will be shown on TV with a Russian translation. It is expected that it will go (will be shown) in the original version (without subordinate clause.)
16. He told us about this accident as if witnessed and saw everything with my own eyes.
17. The delegation suggested that the conference results of this experiment were announced.
18. Most sociologists believe that it is necessary for scientists to take responsibility for overseeing how the use of their discoveries.
19. It is possible, they would have found a good solution to this problem, if they had more time.
20. If the way he spoke slowly, I could understand it. Ask, please, Smith approached him and convey my request
I tried to be serious, but he could not help laughing when I heard her a funny story.
2. It is a pity that I missed the early train. If I came to 3 minutes earlier, I would not be late.
3. If it does not, please, I would never have called her.
4. Basic processes of competition and cooperation are illustrated using data obtained as a result of a large research project.
5. We want you to have completed its report as soon as possible. The work of the entire team depends on it. (Without subordinate clause.)
6. Did you explain why you were not allowed to take part in competitions in the last month?
7. Interestingly, when Mr. Johnson met with the founder of the oil company to discuss its sale.
8. Do not say such things, and then on you will laugh
9. Let me tell you that learning a foreign language requires constant work on it.
10. I'm sorry, that I interrupt you (without subordinate clause.), But I have to ask you a very important question before you finish your story.
11. As time was later, they decided to return home (without subordinate clause.)
You should not have (did not have) to do it yourself. This work could make the Secretary.
12. If I only knew that he was late, he would have called you. Now we have to wait for 2 hours. This is the same man who had called an hour ago. He must be at the station.
13. It was Mallory's almost 75 years ago, the first reached the summit of the mountain and only 30 years later (later) Hillary was able to follow his example.
14. When it comes to train? -At 3 o'clock. I'm going to meet her, but until then I'll have to call her brother to take the keys to her apartment. I have to be with him in 1230.
15. It is unlikely that this film will be shown on TV with a Russian translation. It is expected that it will go (will be shown) in the original version (without subordinate clause.)
16. He told us about this accident as if witnessed and saw everything with my own eyes.
17. The delegation suggested that the conference results of this experiment were announced.
18. Most sociologists believe that it is necessary for scientists to take responsibility for overseeing how the use of their discoveries.
19. It is possible, they would have found a good solution to this problem, if they had more time.
20. If the way he spoke slowly, I could understand it. Ask, please, Smith approached him and convey my request
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