Пререведите пожалуйста на английский
Дышать было нечем и люди одевали противогаз
Брызги лавы разлетались во все стороны
Земля сотрясалась со страшной силой
Ручей огненной лавы тёк быстее и быстрее
Туристы оказались на месте происшествия
В воздухе раздавался оглушительный рёв извергающегося вулкана
Ответы на вопрос
Ответил nunny
There was nothing to breathe with and people put on gas masks.
The sprays of lava scattered in all directions.
The earth was shaking with terrible force.
The stream of hot lava moved faster and faster.
The tourists found themselves at the scene of an accident.
In the air there was a deafening roar of the erupting volcano.
The sprays of lava scattered in all directions.
The earth was shaking with terrible force.
The stream of hot lava moved faster and faster.
The tourists found themselves at the scene of an accident.
In the air there was a deafening roar of the erupting volcano.
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