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Родилась Ева 17 марта 1984 г в Амстердаме.Она прославилась приехала в общественном внимании в 2004 году после победы в Popstars в рамках недолговечной группы Raffish. В 2009 певица приступила к сольной карьере после записи своего первого сингла, Silly boy, и утечки песня приобрела популярность в интернете.
Ева росла в семье где любят и ценят музыку. Её дед Джонни Мейер (1912-92) был аккордеонистом. Её отец был пианистом. А её отчим Вим - трубач, играющий в известном немецком оркестре WDR Big Band. Мать Евы Ингрид Саймонс является вокалистом, работая в качестве бэк-вокала для таких звезд, как The Supremes.
И поэтому нет ничего удивительного, что у Евы есть фото в возрасте двух лет, на которых она играет на пианино. "Я думаю, я сама научилась играть на первый взгляд. Но я хорошо помню, как я была счастлива, когда мама предложила через два года, что я должна взять уроки игры на фортепиано ", вспоминает она. Менее чем через десять лет спустя, в возрасте двенадцати, она сочинила свою первую песню на фортепиано.
" В 2008 году она начала также писать песни для других исполнителей. Breaking Up - это скоро будет выпущен в Нидерландах. Песни Евы часто отражают кусочек ее собственной жизни. Она признается: "Иногда это о любви, о Breaking Up, о моей ссоре с мамой, или с собакой, которая умерла." Ее страсть к музыке было настолько сильным, что Ева возненавидела школу: "У нас был только один урок музыки в неделю. В шестнадцать лет она решила поступить на Амстердамскую консерваторию, где она была, наконец, в состоянии узнать все. Поскольку она не достигла еще восемнадцати лет, Еве пришлось начинать с подготовительных курсов. В своё время в колледже музыки, она исполняла и джаз и поп-музыку, и в возрасте двадцати трех лет она имела свой диплом. В то же время, она приобрела опыт работы в качестве бэк-вокалистки.
Ева является частью группы Raffish. Она сделала один альбом с группой Raffish , How Raffish Are You?, и также были выпущены "Thursday's Child" и "Let Go".Группа распалась в 2006 году.
В 2009 году Ева была вокалисткой на голландских изданий Танцев со звездами и X Factor.
В мае 2009 с поп-треком "Silly boy", произошла утечка на YouTube. С тех пор песня привлекла большое сообщество и стала одним из самый крутых композиций, производящие более 10 миллионов кликов.
"Глупый мальчик" будет выпущен в общей сложности на 20 территориях, EMI, начиная с 4 сентября в Германии, и 7 сентября в США и остальной частью континентальной Европы. В Великобритании релиз отодвинут на 12 октября.
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Ответил Аноним
Eva was born on 17 March 1984 in Amsterdam.She became famous came to public attention in 2004 after winning Popstars in the framework of the short-lived group Raffish. In 2009 the singer embarked on a solo career after recording their first single, Silly boy, and leak the song has gained popularity on the Internet.
Eva grew up in a family where love and appreciate music. Her grandfather johnny Meijer (1912-92) was an accordionist. Her father was a pianist. And her stepfather Vim - trumpeter who plays in a famous German orchestra WDR Big Band. Eva's mother Ingrid Simons is the vocalist, working as backing vocals for such stars as The Supremes.
And so it is not surprising that Eva has photos at the age of two years, in which she plays the piano. "I think I taught myself to play at first glance. I remember how happy I was when mom suggested two years later that I have to take lessons on piano, " she recalls. In less than ten years later, at the age of twelve she composed her first song on piano.
"In 2008 she began to write songs for other artists. Breaking Up is soon to be released in the Netherlands. Eve's songs often reflect a piece of her own life. She admits: "Sometimes it's about love, about Breaking Up, about my fight with mom, or with a dog that died." Her passion for music was so strong that Eva hated school: "we had only one music lesson a week. At sixteen, she decided to enroll at the Amsterdam Conservatory, where she was finally able to find out everything. Because it still has not reached eighteen years of age, eve had to start with the preparatory courses. In his time at the College of music, she performed jazz and pop music, and at the age of twenty-three years she had her diploma. At the same time, she gained experience as a backing vocalist.
Eva is part of a group Raffish. She made one album with the band Raffish , How Raffish Are You?, and also was released on "Thursday's Child" and "Let Go".The band broke up in 2006.
In 2009, Eva was the singer for the Dutch editions of Dancing with the stars and X Factor.
In may 2009, with the pop track "Silly boy" was leaked on YouTube. Since then the song has attracted a large community and has become one of the coolest compositions that produce more than 10 million clicks.
"Silly boy" will be released in total, 20 territories, EMI, starting from 4 September in Germany, and 7 September in the US and the rest of continental Europe. In the UK release pushed back to October 12.
Eva grew up in a family where love and appreciate music. Her grandfather johnny Meijer (1912-92) was an accordionist. Her father was a pianist. And her stepfather Vim - trumpeter who plays in a famous German orchestra WDR Big Band. Eva's mother Ingrid Simons is the vocalist, working as backing vocals for such stars as The Supremes.
And so it is not surprising that Eva has photos at the age of two years, in which she plays the piano. "I think I taught myself to play at first glance. I remember how happy I was when mom suggested two years later that I have to take lessons on piano, " she recalls. In less than ten years later, at the age of twelve she composed her first song on piano.
"In 2008 she began to write songs for other artists. Breaking Up is soon to be released in the Netherlands. Eve's songs often reflect a piece of her own life. She admits: "Sometimes it's about love, about Breaking Up, about my fight with mom, or with a dog that died." Her passion for music was so strong that Eva hated school: "we had only one music lesson a week. At sixteen, she decided to enroll at the Amsterdam Conservatory, where she was finally able to find out everything. Because it still has not reached eighteen years of age, eve had to start with the preparatory courses. In his time at the College of music, she performed jazz and pop music, and at the age of twenty-three years she had her diploma. At the same time, she gained experience as a backing vocalist.
Eva is part of a group Raffish. She made one album with the band Raffish , How Raffish Are You?, and also was released on "Thursday's Child" and "Let Go".The band broke up in 2006.
In 2009, Eva was the singer for the Dutch editions of Dancing with the stars and X Factor.
In may 2009, with the pop track "Silly boy" was leaked on YouTube. Since then the song has attracted a large community and has become one of the coolest compositions that produce more than 10 million clicks.
"Silly boy" will be released in total, 20 territories, EMI, starting from 4 September in Germany, and 7 September in the US and the rest of continental Europe. In the UK release pushed back to October 12.
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