нужен переаод используя passive voice
Ответы на вопрос
1, the engine stole the car. the constitution. z The rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed with. The crime investigates the senators handed down by the court. police, but punishment of Prev. - Why is the case heard in the Swiss (Swiss) court? Such provision is included in the contract. 4, Crimes are rarely committed without motive 6 "How is human guilt established?" 7. Now in Russia, the death penalty is not even assigned to serial killers. 8 Of course, drug users are trained to find drugs and explosives. Young criminals are not kept in ordinary prisons - Max, serious welfare cases are being heard by the collegium of comrades. Justice is sent only by the state .. Legislative power in the UK is exercised by the parliament The government is formed by a political party which, according to holds the majority in the House of Commons of the British Parliament. The British prime minister is appointed Queen.