Напишите 5-6 предложений о своём отдыхе (летних занятиях, погоде, одежде, вашем настроении) ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ!
Ответы на вопрос
In the summer I helped my grandmother in the garden and my grandfather in the apiary. When I finished work at home, I went out for a walk with friends. We bathed in the pond, played football, collected medicinal herbs, but most of all I liked fishing.
One day my dad, me and my friend Vitalik decided to go fishing. When they went out, it was dark, and the sky was on - the sun was rising. At first it illuminated the dark tops of the trees, and through
for a few minutes we saw a birch grove and before that a sleepy pond. Dewdrops glistened on the grass, as if myriads of stars had descended to earth.
Birds greeted us with their singing near the pond shrouded in the morning mist. The crane fluttered its wings. The acrid aroma of wildflowers tickled his nostrils. We stopped on the shore and laid out our simple tackle in a convenient place. As a team, they threw ha
for my summer holiday , I went to a pool it was a great weather to take a swim. I got ready by putting my swimsuit in my backpack with sunscreen, stawhat and my towel so when I get out I won't be cold. I won't be going there all alone I'll be going with my friends! I'm very excited. My friend Emily said she will bring the drinks and my other friend said she'd bring the snacks , I don't want to come empty handed so I"ll bring some snacks also. After the pool we planned to go to a restaurant, I think this will be a great day , no I know it!
Біля оповитого вранішнім туманом ставка, своїм співом нас зустріли пташки. Прошелестів крилами журавель. Терпкий аромат польових квітів лоскотав ніздрі. Ми зупинилися на березі і у зручному місці розклали свої нехитрі снасті. Як по команді, закинули гачки з лескою у воду.