2. Запишите в виде несократимой обыкновенной дроби: a) 0,(3); 6) 0,(6); г) 0,(28); д) 0,(19); Ответы: 1 в) 0,(12); e) 0,(21). 2 4 28 19 7 а) a) 3; б) 3; в) 33 ; г) 99 ; д) 99 ; е) 33 .
Ответы на вопрос
a) \( 0,(3) = \frac{1}{3} \)
б) \( 0,(6) = \frac{2}{3} \)
в) \( 0,(28) = \frac{28}{99} \)
г) \( 0,(19) = \frac{19}{99} \)
д) \( 0,(12) = \frac{4}{33} \)
е) \( 0,(21) = \frac{7}{33} \)
# Correcting the mistake in the previous code to accurately convert repeating decimals to fractions
def convert_repeating_decimal_to_fraction(decimal_str):
# Find the length of the repeating sequence
repeat_len = len(decimal_str) - 2 # subtracting 2 to account for '0.' part
# Convert the repeating decimal to a fraction
numerator = int(decimal_str[2:]) - int(decimal_str[2]) // 10
denominator = 10**repeat_len - 1
return Fraction(numerator, denominator)
# Apply the function to each provided repeating decimal
repeating_decimals = ['0.(3)', '0.(6)', '0.(28)', '0.(19)', '0.(12)', '0.(21)']
fractions = [convert_repeating_decimal_to_fraction(d.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')) for d in repeating_decimals]